Thursday, September 06, 2007

I want one!

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
Ok so yesterday Apple announced the new iPods. I currently own an iPod Nano with only 4GB on it and I've been waiting for Apple to come out with some new iPods. So yesterday they finally showed the new iPods. When I first bought the Nano...I actually thought 4GB would be enough, cause 1,5 years ago, I didn't listen to podcasts yet (which takes up a lotta space on my lil' nano if you listen to a lot of podcasts). But nowadays my Nano is totally maxed out. So I'm contemplating about buying the iPod Touch. I'm diggin' the whole touchscreen thing and I'm not planning on buying an iPhone (which hasn't even come out yet in Europe), cause two months ago I already bought a new smartphone.

I was actually really curious how the new Nano would look like. But I'm not really liking the new Nano design. So if I would buy the iPod Touch, I would totally buy the 16GB. For a lot of people that's just not enough space to put all their music and videos on, but for me it'll do just fine. But I have to pay 399 Euros for a 16GB iPod Touch and well...that's a lot of money you know! I'm not going to pre-order it yet, cause I want to hear or read some reviews about it first, before purchasing one. But it looks really nice and I like that there's Wi-Fi on it. So I'm going to wait for the reviews and then I'll make a decision on whether to buy it or not. My Nano still works, but the space on it is just not enough anymore to hold the amount of music I want to carry with me. Ohh well...if I decide to buy it, I'll let you know. But for now...I'm just going to wait for the reviews.

Friday, August 17, 2007

New layout :)

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
Ok as you can see...I've changed the layout of my blog...yeah again I know! I get bored with my layout pretty fast, so that's why I change it so often. I still need to work on some little fixes, but I'll get to that another time. Cause really...I shouldn't even be blogging right now, cause I have to do some stuff for school and study the theory for the driving theory test that I will be taking at the end of this month. So basically I'm procrastinating again :D! Go figure...cause I'm always procrastinating! It's pretty much what I do all the time!
It's a pretty simple layout, but I like to keep my blog simple...unlike Blogger! Cause Blogger was pretty much annoying the heck outta me with all these new changes they've made to their blogging service. Gosh, all these new features they have for editting a template are so confusing! But I figure it out and now everything is working again...yay :D!

So I've got the whole house to myself since yesterday and it's been awesome. My parents are away for a couple of days and I love the peace and quietness in the house, cause my dad usually annoys me when he cranks up the tv volume. But now no one is bothering me hehe :).
Anyway, I've been kinda slacking again with blogging. So let me give you some updates.
Last week I came back from Germany. It was great, I had a really great time there. The hotel was really good. When I arrived in Germany, I immediately was in search for a Starbucks there...cause I love the coffee from Starbucks. So I think I went there 3 or 4 times. Here in Holland we only have a Starbucks at the airport, so that kinda sucks. Cause you can only go if you're going on a flight, so you have to have a ticket. I don't understand why we don't have Starbucks yet in any of the big cities. It's so sad I know! So I got my Starbucks fix there. I did a lot of shopping, bought some new stuff. And that was about it.

Since I came back last week, I had driving lessons again. I'm actually doing pretty good and I like driving a lot more, cause I'm used to shifting gears now and stuff like that. My driving instructor is so awesome. We're always joking around when we're in the car. I'm so glad I don't have some old cranky guy as my driving instructor, cause this is way better!

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick blog...but I gotta get going again. Still have a lotta stuff to do! So I'm gonna sign off now...c-ya!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wii addict

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
Yesterday my brother bought the Nintento Wii and I'm addicted to it! I've only played with it since yesterday, but long enough to get slightly addicted to it. I've played Wii sports and Wii play. Playing tennis is a lot of fun, but my brother is unfortunately still better at it than I am :(! Yeah...I'll definitely have to practise that a little more to get back at him! I do love the bowling first I was better at it than him, but he's catching up (only because he's been practising when I wasn't playing against him). I also played the game "shooting range" (Wii play). If you remember Duck Hunt...this is like the Wii version of Duck Hunt (only without the annoying dog laughing and hiding in the grass). Playing pool and laser hockey with the WII was also fun.

I'm not really a gamer, but the Wii is really fun to play with. Today I was playing baseball on the Wii and trying to hit homeruns and I totally have a soar arm now from swinging the Wii remote. But really...if you're looking for some exercise without actually going to a the Wii! Cause I did some serious exercising using the Wii...especially if you're playing games like baseball and boxing!

Anyway enough about the Nintendo Wii. Today I received some information that could possible lead to a future internship at a great international company. In January 2008 I have to do an internship again and I'm already searching for possible companies for this internship. But if it's going to be this company, that would look great on my resume and maybe lead to a future job there. So it's pretty exciting news for me. I love how a little networking helps to open some doors at certain companies ;).

So upcoming Friday I'm heading off to Germany and I will be spending a couple of days there. I'm really looking forward to that. I'll get back to blogging again once I come back. Anyway... I gotta split bye for now!
