Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Woohoo let's party!!! Cause it's my 21st birthday!!

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
Alrighty then...I'm officially 21 today :)!! I'm sooo excited!! Nothing but partying going on today...and lot's of drinking ofcourse hehehe ;)!! Yes tonight there's going to be lot's of alcohol involved! Cause today I'm having a big party at my house with all of my friends and after the party, I'm going out with my friends to party some more :D!!

Yesterday I bought all the stuff for my party, like beer and tons of other alcoholic beverages and food ofcourse! I'm really looking forward to tonight, it's going to be great!! I'm expecting a lot of presents ofcourse and I'm looking forward going out and having a good time with all of my friends. Especially because school is starting again in two weeks :(!! And once school starts again...it's done with tha fun! So I'm going all out today and I'll probably end up wasted at the end of the day hehehe :S....no I'm just kidding ;)! But we'll see how it goes! But it's definitely going to be fun, that's for sure!! So I can't wait 'til tonight...let tha partying begin!!!


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