Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's weekend again!

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
Alrighty then, it's the weekend again and I'm lovin' it! I didn't have to go to school yesterday, so I went shopping. And as usual, I've spend way too much money on clothing again. Oh what the hell, I needed some new stuff anyway. So that was fun, kinda exhausted after a whole day of shopping...but at least I didn't come home empty-handed. Cause I hate when I go shopping with the intention of buying new things...and then end up buying nothing at all, cause I couldn't find anything. I hate when that happens. Usually when that happens...I end up buying something I don't really like. Kinda like I forced myself to buy it, cause I hate it when I go home empty-handed. But I don't do that anymore. I've learned from those experiences ;).

Yesterday I wanted to buy the new cd of Veruca Salt, but I couldn't find it anywhere. So I had to order the cd online. If you haven't heard their new cd "IV"...go get it now, cause it's frickin' awesome! I've been listening to some of their new songs online and their new cd rocks.

And it's been six years since they released their last full-length album. You might know them from their 1994 hit "Seether" or the song "Volcano Girls" from 1997. They did an amazing job with their latest cd that was released on September 12 and you should definitely check their new cd out if you haven't already!

So I was looking for some funny video's on YouTube and I came across this video of a gay referee and omg it's so funny. It's only 38 seconds, so check it out. Hope you get a good laugh out of it :D! And enjoy the weekend everyone ;)! C-Ya!


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