Sunday, September 17, 2006

New layout :)!

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
As you can see...I've got a new layout for my blog. I hope you like it as much as I do! I chose this layout, because I like the picture very much. I love watching the night sky once in a while. Looking at the night sky tends to take my mind off of things. I'm someone who thinks about so many things at the same time, that sometimes I just need to relax and let it all go. And for me, just a simple thing as looking at the night sky takes my mind off of things. And that's why I chose this layout! I also like that the color blue is in this new layout, cause it's my favorite color :).

Anyway yesterday me and my family had a really nice dinner in Amsterdam to celebrate my dad's birthday. And omg I ate so much...seriously, you could practically roll me back home! But the dinner sure was delicious! So it was definitely worth it.
It was good to be in Amsterdam again. But I don't think I'll ever be able to live in such a busy city. Especially because I've lived my whole life in a small town and I guess I'm just used to the life here. But hey...never say never, cause I might end up in a big city later ;)!

Geez the weekend sure has flown by! And I didn't really do that much this weekend. I only went to see some friends and I went to Amsterdam yesterday. And that's it! Why is the weekend always so short?? I actually hate sundays...cause everything is closed in my town and there's not much to do around here. Anyway I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, so I hope it goes by fast! Talk to y'all later ;)!


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