Saturday, November 11, 2006

Time to relax :D!

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
So I finally have time to blog again after almost two weeks! As you might now, I had to study for exam week and that's why I couldn't blog as much as I wanted to. Exam week is finally over and I pretty much passed all of the exams that I took last week. So I'm really happy about that. I'm still waiting for the result of that one particular exam I talked about in one of my previous blog entries. I'm anxiously awaiting the result of that exam. My whole study is practically depending on this exam. I think the results of that exam will be announced on Monday. But I think I did pretty good, so I'm hoping to hear some good news upcoming Monday! But I don't want to jinx myself, so I'm just going to wait it out and I'll be hearing the outcome on Monday!

The last two weeks were really stressful for me. I had to do so much in so little time. I still can't believe I pulled it off! Anyway I have some time to relax now.
I slept in today, cause I was really tired after waking up every day so frickin' early just to study or go to school. That made me feel a lot better after having slept a decent amount of hours.
And I decided to clean my room, cause it was a total mess in my room. Books, magazines, clothing was everywhere in my room except where it should in my closet or on the bookshelf for example! I was busy for like 5 hours to clean my room up...geez...I had no idea that a small room such as mine, could have so much stuff in it! I'm pretty sure that in a couple of days it will be a total mess again haha...yeahhh we'll see how it goes. I'll try to keep it clean as long as possible. But I always say that...usually it doesn't really work for me :S. After a couple of days my stuff will be piling up again. Hmm I really need to work on this!

Anyway...I don't really know what I'm going to do tonight. I know it's a Saturday, but I think I'm going to stay in and watch some movies or something. Cause yesterday I catched a cold and I'm still not feeling all that well. Maybe next week I'll go out again. Oh man it's been like three weeks already since I went to a club or something. You is totally ruining my social life! Must do something about that! Well I'm off to enjoy my weekend...I hope you'll do the same! Talk to you later!


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