Sunday, January 07, 2007

Waiting with anticipation

posted under by dutchie | Edit This

Yay!! The L Word finally starts tonight!! I'm soooo excited and I can't wait to see the season premiere! Only one thing is making me sad...I still have to wait until tomorrow to see the season premiere of The L Word :(. Arghh...this is the only time it sucks if you live outside the U.S. and don't have Showtime! So I'm really hoping someone is going to upload the first episode real quickly after it premiered, so that I can download it!! Cause I need to see it a.s.a.p!

And I probably have to wait until I come back from school tomorrow, to be able to download the episode, cause our school pretty much blocked every open port that's available for downloading. Yeah they hate people who use up all the bandwidth for downloading. It's understandable...but hello...this is what I've been waiting for almost a year! They should make exceptions for these kind of situations you know ;)! So after school, I will rush back home and download the first episode. Yeah fuck a bunch of homework...I need to see the L word!

Can't wait to hear what KC and Elka are going to say about the season premiere. I'll be waiting with anticipation for their podcast about the first episode. I'm so glad Kelka is going to start podcasting regularly again, I've missed their weekly podcast. I've also read on that Scribe Grrrl who does all the recaps of The L Word on, is starting a weekly podcast with her girlfriend about what they liked and didn't like about the episode. Kinda like what KC and Elka are doing already, but I'll be checking that out as well, but I doubt they will be better than KC and Elka. But I do like Scribe Grrrl's recaps of The L Word, they're always funny to read.

Well everyone who lives in the U.S., enjoy the season 4 premiere of The L Word tonight...I'm so jealous you guys get to see it tonight and I still have to wait one more day!! Yeah life is so unfair sometimes! So have fun tonight and I'll probably be blogging soon after I watched the first episode to comment about it. So until then...C-Ya!


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