Thursday, March 01, 2007

Save the cheerleader, save the world

posted under by dutchie | Edit This
Well I think it's time for a blog don't ya think?! Yeah thought so ;)! Well apparently I haven't blogged in like four weeks, that's how frickin' busy I was :S! Sorry for that, I was just extremely busy with school the last few weeks. I'm surprised I haven't had a meltdown yet because of all the things I had to do for school :S.

Currently I have a week off from school, so that's nice. But you can hardly call it a "vacation", cause I still have so many stuff to do for school :(. Last Tuesday I stayed up until 3 a.m. in the morning to work on an assignment for school, which still is far from done. This school stuff is stressing me out big time...I effing hate it! You know what sucks, that the teachers from my school have a week off and they don't have to do shite, while we students have to work our asses off during this "vacation" period in order to make the deadline next week! WTF?! How unfair is that!

Anyway enough talking about school! The last two weeks I've been catching up on a show called "Heroes". Lately I've been hearing a lot about this show, so I was curious what this show was all about. The series tells the story of several people who thought they were like everyone else... until they woke up with incredible abilities, such as telepathy, time travel and the ability to fly. These people soon realize they have a role in preventing a catastrophe and saving humankind. It's a fantasic and a major addictive show! Because Heroes already started airing last year, I had many episodes to catch up on. But I've managed to watch all 17 episodes in two weeks :). Ah yes, it's so addicting! Everytime the episode ends, you're just dying to know what happens next.
The writing is great and everytime you think you've figured it out, something happens and your whole theory just doesn't make sense anymore.

Seriously, if you haven't seen this show should totally start watching it! At first it may seem a bit confusing, cause they have to introduce all the characters and there are a lot of characters in this show. But the more episodes you see, the more you wanna know what happens next! And soon you'll find yourself totally addicted to this show...just like me :).
If you're wondering what the blog title'll just have to start watching Heroes ;). Otherwise it doesn't make any sense at all if you don't know the story around it. I think the show is going on a "hiatus" again after next week's episode, so you'll have plenty of time to catch up if you decide to watch all of the episodes :). And definitely start with the first episode instead of immediately watching the latest episode, cause otherwise it might be hard to follow cause of all the different storylines.

Ok that's enough talking about my latest tv addiction! I'll try to blog more frequently from now on :). C-Ya later!


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